Characteristics : | Morality, Virtue, Ideal son, Ideal king |
Other Names : | Shri Ram, Ramachandra, Maryada Purushottama |
Principal Scripture : | Ramayana |
Consort : | Sita ji |
Mula Mantra : | Om Sri Ramaya Namah |
Rama Gayatri Mantra : | Aum Dasarathaye Vidmahe
Lord Rama
Lord Rama, in the words of Swami Vivekananda, is "the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king". Rama is widely accepted to be an actual historical figure - a "tribal hero of ancient India" - whose deeds form the great Hindu epic of Ramayana or The Romance of Rama, written by the ancient Sanskrit poet Valmiki. According to the Hindus belief, Rama lived in the Treta Yug. Although historians are of the conviction that Rama was not particularly deified until the 11th century AD. Tulsidas' wonderful version of the Sanskrit epic "Ramayana" into "Ramcharitmanas" greatly enhanced the popularity of Rama as a Hindu god and gave rise to various devotional groups.
Virtues of Rama
Lord Rama is considered as a son unequalled in the world, and resembled Dasaratha in each and every aspect of good qualities. He never spoke a lie throughout his life. He always offered respect to the scholars and the elders, people loved him and he adored the people. His body was transcendental and outstanding. He was eloquent, attractive and adjustable to circumstances. He knew the heart of each and every human being on the earth (being omniscient). He had all the conceivable qualities of a king's son and was dear to the people as their own hearts.
Lord Rama was endowed with incredible transcendental qualities. The earth personified adored him, who was possessor of such virtues, who was indomitable, who was brave, and who was the unequalled Lord of all. To put succinctly, Sri Rama's life was a life of holy compliance, of stainless purity, of matchless simplicity, praiseworthy contentment, commendable self-sacrifice and remarkable renunciation.
Legend of Lord Rama |
Victory of Rama - The Legend
Ravana caged Sita and enforced her to marry him but she didn't agree to this. Lord Rama with the help of Hanuman, Sugreev and Bali and their "Vaanar Sena" attacked Lanka and after a severe battle, got Sitaji released from the control of Ravana. After this victory of Good over Evil, Rama returned to Ayodhya.
According to the legend, people welcomed them by lighting rows of clay lamps in Ayodhya. Great celebrations were held and everyone was happy for Rama to be the King of Ayodhya. This celebration took place on the night of the new moon of Ashwin (October-November). From that day onwards; people celebrate this occasion as the most delightful festival of India and of the Hindu Religion. Even today Diwali celebration means -happiness, fireworks and sweets.
Thus the festival of diwali is an honour of Rama's victory over Ravana.
Various Names of Lord Rama |
Lord Rama is the one of the commonly worshipped gods of the Hindu religion. Shri Ram is recognized as the seventh incarnation (Avatar) of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe. Lord Ram is known for his virtues. Ram is the great lord of Hanuman, the ultimate disciple. Sri Ram is also known as Maryada Purushottam Ram because he is the epitome of righteousness. Lord Rama is considered as the perfect man, due to the fact that he makes a perfect son, a perfect husband, a perfect king and a perfect brother. Lord Rama is known by many different names. This list contains 108 names of Lord Rama with their meanings:Lord Rama is the one of the commonly worshipped gods of the Hindu religion. Shri Ram is recognized as the seventh incarnation (Avatar) of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe. Lord Ram is known for his virtues. Ram is the great lord of Hanuman, the ultimate disciple. Sri Ram is also known as Maryada Purushottam Ram because he is the epitome of righteousness. Lord Rama is considered as the perfect man, due to the fact that he makes a perfect son, a perfect husband, a perfect king and a perfect brother. Lord Rama is known by many different names. This list contains 108 names of Lord Rama with their meanings:
Name | Meaning |
Om Shri Ramaya Namaha | The Giver of happiness |
Om Ramabhadraya Namaha | The Auspicious One |
Om Ramachandraya Namaha | Moon like Gentle |
Om Shashvataya Namaha | The ever-lasting one |
Om Rajivalochanaya Namaha | The Lotus-eyed |
Om Shrimate Namaha | The Abode of Lakshmi |
Om Rajendraya Namaha | The King of the Kings |
Om Raghupungavaya Namaha | The Scion of the Raghu dynasty |
Om Janaki Vallabhaya Namaha | The Consort of Janaki |
Om Jaitraya Namaha | The Triumphant |
Om Jitamitraya Namaha | The Conqueror of His Foes |
Om Janardhanaya Namaha | The Refuge of the people |
Om Vishvamitra Priyaya Namaha | The Beloved of Sage Vishvamitra |
Om Dantaya Namaha | The Unperturbed |
Om Sharanatrana Tatparaya Namaha | The One who is Determined To Protect His Devotees |
Om Bali Pramathanaya Namaha | The Slayer of Bali |
Om Vagmine Namaha | The Spokesman |
Om Satyavache Namaha | The Speaker Of Truth |
Om Satyavikramaya Namaha | The One who is Truthfully Powerful |
Om Satyavrataya Namaha | The One of truthful vows |
Om Vratadharaya Namaha | The One who is Practising Penance |
Om Sada Hanumadashritaya Namaha | The One who is always served by Hanuman |
Om Kausaleyaya Namaha | The Son of Kausalya |
Om Kharadhvamsine Namaha | The Slayer of the demon Khara |
Om Viradha Vanapanditaya Namah | The Slayer of the demon Viradha |
Om Vibhishana Paritratre Namaha | The Protector of Vibhishana |
Om Kodanda Khandanaya Namaha | The One who broke the mighty bow |
Om Saptatala Prabhedre Namaha | The One who Broke the Seven Tale Trees |
Om Dashagriva Shiroharaya Namaha | The Slayer Of Ten-Headed Ravana |
Om Jamadagnya Mahadarpaya Namaha | The destroyer of Jamadagni's Son's Arrogance |
Om Tatakantakaya Namaha | The Slayer of Tataka |
Om Vedanta Saraya Namaha | The Essence of Vedanta |
Om Vedatmane Namaha | The Spirit of the Vedas |
Om Bhavarogasya Bheshajaya Namaha | The Reliever Of Earthly Ailments |
Om Dushanatri Shirohantre Namaha | The Slayer Of Dooshanatrishira |
Om Trigunatmakaya Namaha | The Source of the three gunas |
Om Trivikramaya Namaha | The Conqueor Of The Three Worlds |
Om Trilokatmane Namaha | The Lord Of The Three Worlds |
Om Punyacharitra Kirtanaya Namah | The One whose story is a source of merit to those who sing it |
Om Triloka Rakshakaya Namaha | The Protector of the three worlds |
Om Dhanvine Namaha | The wielder of the bow |
Om Dandakaranya Kartanaya Namaha | The Dweller in the Dandaka forest |
Om Ahalya Shapashamanaya Namaha | The Reliever of Ahalya's curse |
Om Pitru Bhaktaya Namaha | The Worshipper of father Dasaratha |
Om Vara Pradaya Namaha | The giver of boons |
Om Jitendriyaya Namaha | The Conqueror of the senses |
Om Jitakrodhaya Namaha | The Conqueror of anger |
Om Jitamitraya Namaha | The One who wins over friends |
Om Jagad Gurave Namaha | The Guru of the world |
Om Riksha Vanara Sanghatine Namaha | The Saviour Of Boars And Monkeys |
Om Chitrakuta Samashrayaya Namaha | The Lord who took refuge at Chitrakuta Hill |
Om Jayanta Trana Varadaya Namaha | The Lord who blessed Jayanta |
Om Sumitra Putra Sevitaya Namaha | The Lord who is served by Sumitra's son (Lakshmana) |
Om Sarva Devadhi Devaya Namaha | The Lord of all the gods |
Om Mritavanara Jivanaya Namaha | The reviver of dead monkeys |
Om Mayamaricha Hantre Namaha | The Destroyer of the demon Maricha |
Om Mahadevaya Namaha | The Great Lord |
Om Mahabhujaya Namaha | The Lord of mighty arms |
Om Sarvadeva Stutaya Namaha | The Lord who is praised by all the gods |
Om Saumyaya Namaha | The Calm One |
Om Brahmanyaya Namaha | The Absolute Reality |
Om Muni Samstutaya Namaha | The Lord who is praised by sages |
Om Mahayogine Namaha | The Great Yogi |
Om Mahadaraya Namaha | The Noble One |
Om Sugrivepsita Rajyadaye Namaha | The Lord who returned the kingdom to Sugriva |
Om Sarva Punyadhi Kaphalaya Namaha | The Giver of fruits of pious work, good karmas |
Om Smrita Sarvagha Nashanaya Namaha | The Remover of all afflictions |
Om Adipurushaya Namaha | The Primal Being |
Om Paramapurushaya Namaha | The Supreme Being |
Om Mahapurushaya Namaha | The Great Being |
Om Punyodayaya Namaha | The Source of all blessings |
Om Dayasaraya Namaha | The Embodiment of compassion |
Om Purana Purushottamaya Namaha | The Most Ancient Person |
Om Smita Vaktraya Namaha | The One who smiling speaks |
Om Mita Bhashine Namaha | The One of moderate speech |
Om Purva Bhashine Namaha | The One who rarely speaks |
Om Raghavaya Namaha | The scion of the Raghu dynasty |
Om Ananta Gunagambhiraya Namaha | The Lord of infinite majestic qualities |
Om Dhirodatta Gunottamaya Namaha | The Lord of Valorous qualities |
Om Maya Manusha Charitraya Namaha | The Lord who incarnated as a man through His maya |
Om Mahadevadi Pujitaya Namaha | The Lord who is worshiped by Lord Shiva |
Om Setukrite Namaha | The builder of the bridge |
Om Sarva Tirthamayaya Namaha | The Lord who is the sum of all holy places |
Om Haraye Namaha | The Destroyer |
Om Shyamangaya Namaha | The Dark-complexioned One |
Om Sundaraya Namaha | The Beautiful One |
Om Shooraya Namaha | The Valiant |
Om Pitavasase Namaha | The Lord clad in yellow raiment |
Om Dhanurdharaya Namaha | The Bearer of the bow |
Om Sarva Yajnadhipaya Namaha | The Lord of sacrifice |
Om Yajvine Namaha | The Sacrificer |
Om Jaramarana Varjitaya Namaha | The Conqueror of birth and death |
Om Vibhishana Pratishthatre Namaha | The Lord who crowned Vibhishana on the throne |
Om Sarvabharana Varjitaya Namaha | The Lord who relinquished all adornment |
Om Paramatmane Namaha | The Supreme Self |
Om Parabrahmane Namaha | The Supreme Godhead |
Om Sachidananda Vigrahaya Namaha | The Form of Eternal Bliss |
Om Parasmai Jyotishe Namaha | The Supreme Light |
Om Parasmai Dhamne Namaha | The Supreme Abode |
Om Parakashaya Namaha | The Supreme Space |
Om Paratparaya Namaha | The Supreme beyond the highest |
Om Pareshaya Namaha | The Supreme Lord |
Om Parakaya Namaha | The Uplifter Of The Poor |
Om Paraya Namaha | The Supreme Being |
Om Sarva Devatmakaya Namaha | The Lord who is the Source of all gods |
Om Parasmai Namaha | The Supreme Lord |
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